Sunday, October 14, 2007

Going insane

Today I had an unusual experience. I though I was hallucinating. I thought I'm going slowly crazy. But I wouldn't mind, if it would happen this way.
I was sitting in the crowded bus no. 39. people were talking around me and the bus was slowly clattering. Noise smog - I thing this is how modern people call this. And then I felt like an angel was next to me and that nobody is experiencing the same feeling. People were chatting before me, on my right side a girl was sitting calmly and on my right a Walkman was all that is worth to mention. And in this familiar though disturbing surrounding I was hearing snatches of an angel singing. Every few seconds I heard it again. Before me people talking, around me no change. I could not figure out where the voices come from, but was astonished.
After a few minutes of listening to the voice and the people before me I figured out, that the lady next to the window was singing. The experience for me was more than pleasant. It trow me out of everyday troubles and let me fly for a few moments.
I was playing an imagined piano in my head to her voice, till she stopped. I was enjoying the moment till it faded away from my memories. I am sad, that I can't remember.
I have experienced my love to a beautiful woman voice again.

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