Sunday, July 29, 2007

Music - Portal

Once in a while I browse the net for amateur bands, to listen to their music, and find something new. Till now my favourite site in this way was Here the bands could upload their tracks, and in the first month you are able to download them, and then just to hear them out. Anyway there are some good songs, though not many in a good quality. But I have found some bands I like.

But recently I have found another site. I listened to the progressive best 40. Well I wasn't much caught by the most of the songs, but it didnn't matter much, as already the second song was incredible. Portal - Insurgent few (life) You can hear the song at

I was amazed. Then looked around at their site, and found out, that they are needing some translators. So I translated their bio (took me ages) into Hungarian. and send it to them. In less then 30 mins I got a reply, that its fine, and the only problem si that they are making now a new site, as the new CDs is comming out. .. well problem is the bat word... opportunity - make a translation of that one, too, and get a goodie package with a CD, stickers and a T-shirt!!! Well thats motivation :)

They also told me that they might come to Slovakia during they Europe tour!!! Would be so happy to see them. :)

And thats the fun in finding amateur bands, which no one knows, and then you are the one, who is a contact person, and get top know them ;) Hell I love it!

Nice surprise

I though at the beginning of July that I will have a quite boring summer. Most of my friends in Bratislava went home or abroad. But I was wrong.

The first nice change came on a bday party (not mine :P) in June, where I met a lot of friends from high school. I think now I'm in the period of my life, where you see the need of true friends. A lot of people said to me that most of your true friends you will met in your grammar and high school, now I agree with them. We had a quite good collective, which is still there. It is no problem to go out for a beer and talk with them about anything. So I meet a lot of people from them in the last days.

The second group of people are the trainees and their friends (trainee - I use this word for foreigners working in Bratislava through an organization). I met Dom through them. Very funny, very communicative. And the best thing he did to me, was that he gave me a few chances to get to know the other trainees, and come to parties. I have to thank him a lot for few nice parties! I hope I will be able to get into their contact list and go out with them more often. I love to talk to people with different life experiences... My only problem is, that I quite often lack the questions...

I like to not sit at a computer all the time. Thank you.

Death in the air

I don't know about being deadly ill, nor I don't plan any suicide - I will talk about something different. But I will tell the world, that I don't believe in suicide. When I was around 10 years old I was thinking about suicide, also the means how to best do it. Well I didn't found an answer for how to do it... But I came up with the mindset, that it is useless, well in my case illogical, to give up life. I think because I'm a curious person and with a positive attitude to life.

So whay I write this post was because I really felt death in the air. I was thinking about loosing people near to me. Most propably because my grandfather had a dangerous operation in july, and my subconsiousness was giving me sign to think about it.

So I just realized that how lost I would be, when I would loose the people I depend on, my parents. I understood that I fear the day, this will happen, and that I can't even imagine a life without them.

I think I should learn how to cook and wash my cloths from my mother, and go for a hunt with my father (I will go there for hiking, I do not agree with killing animal in that way. Though at least they are killing with considerations - old and overpopulated animals -, and not everything that comes in their sites...). Every of these activities should bring something in my life and on the other hand I would spend some time with my parents.

I just know that I fear death, but this should be normal. I will need to control and understand these feelings more, so if the time comes, I will react the right way (if needed, then be strong or just simply cry from the bottom of my heart, and then move on)...


I use to have breaks at writing blogs... I had one till yesterday. I was writing for 2 hours new posts yesterday in the evening about things I wanted to share, but I lost the fle :(

This was a small sad post.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Started a new work

1.) Please don't ask me what I do. It's my second day now. Only after 2-3 weeks I will have a basic overview, and will have some answers!!!

Anyway I'm happy to have a job again. I wasn't working for the last 9 months and my financial stability, well became into a financial instability... though I'm still able to pay rent, I don't have money for food anymore. I thank here for the support of my parents, that I still can count on in this case.
I usually think: my money my freedom. I was always told by my father, that I can do whatever I want, when I won't live in his house and eat from his money. And I'm a person who lives according to rules. So this was the rule number one in my life. That's why the first time I earned money, it was the first time I felt freedom. I believed, that I rule my life, finally.

That's why I enjoy so much the though that I work and will earn money again. I can make again decisions on my own, and also I will have to take all the consequences. Looking forward for my first 2 salaries :)

Friday, July 6, 2007

Looking back at my birthday

I had on 10. june my birthday, so almost a month ago, and it was one that at first assured me in how I imagine my place in this universe.

I wanted to meet a few friends during the Junifest (where I had stolen the 1 liter jug). I have told the most of them already a month ago, that I want to go. I was really looking forward to it as a small child. Except of Sebastian, nobody came. Though in his place it seemed, that he camed because his friends, with whom he also planned to come here.
So the first bad experience was, that basically noone came. To make it even worse the only guy who did come was sitting at a different table, and going away without changing a word with me. That was a quite disappointing experience. And what pissed me up even more was the fact, when on sunday (I wanted to meet them 2 days before my birthday) I became a msg from Sebastian that he wishes me everzthing best on my birthday after ignoring me completly on friday and not using the chance to congratulate me personally. So basically all that I have planned for that day went up in smoke (A füstbe ment terv) .

But our story does not end here. It would, if I would be so pessimistic, as I try to be usually, but I tried to figure out why it went so bad... I was searching for the good things around these happenings. And there are a lot of them.

On wednesday I was calling Erika, who is a girl that has to many things on her mind, and wants to be everywhere, if she remembers the meeting she was promising me on friday... of course she forgot. Annoying. Anyway what happened afterwards was, that when we met on friday she didn't sleep for 2 days (parties to celebrate her bachelor degree and her moving out of the dormitories). We met at around 2 p.m I think. She was falling asleep on the bench, and was telling that she is in hurry cause she wants to meet a friend who she can't meet during the summer anymore.
It took me time to inderstand, that she has really taken the time, even though she needed it herself to be also with me. It took me time to understand because of the circumstances and her character, that this was a great gift. Thank you!

The second such gift came from Laci, who wanted to come up to Bratislava, just to see me and then leave in the evening. Loosing a few hours of his life just by traveling.
I then agreed with him, that I will call my old friends from high school (in Slovakia it is called also gymnasium!) to meet up at the next weekend at a near sea to have a picnic. I have called a lot of people to go, and at the end I have decided to go somewhere else. It was a family problem, I think I will talk about that also in a blog.
But I told my friends via sms, to meet up in the end in a small pub at around 20:00, if somebody is interested, then send me a sms. I got one sms, from a good friend, Zümi, who told me he wants to meet up... This was at around 20:30. I was quite disappointed again, cause I just got one sms.

Anyway, Zümi was called by Csongi, who told him that ppl are already at the pub, which I have suggested, and if they want to go also, thats how I got to know that actually ppl are waiting for me at the pub, and that was quite surprising! As we arrived many of them had to leave already. So they stayed another 30 min and then left.

It is a good feeling, that I have ppl I can influence meeting up, and I have ppl caring about me in my surronding. Not many, but there are some. And that gives me a bit selfconfidence.

PS: I was talking to Sebastian afterwards, he said on beerfest like the Octoberfest in Germany it is quite common to just go to one table and knock on it which is like saying hello to everybody.
2. thing I got to know from Sebastian was, that it is said in Germany, that when you congratulate somebody before his birthday, then it brings misfortune.
...cultural differences :)

PS2: and I wanted to thank everybody who cheared me up on my birthday and wished me all the best