Thursday, March 15, 2007

A day after the day after... Bad luck

The only thing important for today is that I wrote and successfully saved my homework, when a half an hour after that my PC crushed. I was watching a movie, and the pic/sound stopped suddenly. I turned off the PC, but when I turned it on again the leds were OK, but the monitor didn't start. I have taken the PC apart (BIOS reset, taken out all the drives/RAMs/cards as used to in DELL through the phone, when I worked there) but the same problem - PC starts, power on and working signals shine on the front, no beep code or anything. I think my mobo (mother board) is defect. Yipee, just 4 months ago I had to replace my power supply... Will have to get a new PC from home :( All my progs gone, have to reinst everything now. I had a fully functioning system (except the SQL database :P). This will take me a days work to get a system like I had before. Installing Win and Linux + applications... Thank God I at least have all the progs on my external hdd, and there is no important data I could recall which went lost for the next 2 weeks. The only thing that bothers me is the dictionairy and the apache server :) So I don't have a place to learn php further on.

Wish me luck, so I get a functioning PC soon.

Slovak lesson - A day after... Sietovica

Well, hello again. saturday is here, and this time it means Sietovica. For those who don't speak Slovakian, a small insight into the Slovak dictionary.
-ica : almost every word that ends on -ica has to do with alcohol. There are two main groups we can divide the words ending on -ica:
1.) Spirits with high percentage of alcohol - the new word comes from the original fruit/plant like slivovica (slivka = plum), hruskovica (hruska = peach), jablkovica (jablko = apple) and of course we shouldn't forget borovicka - which is the national drink of Slovakia and is made of the same plant as gin.
2.) Drinking events - if there is a group of ppl, who share something common, and have a party together, then the party's name can be derivated from the common thing they share. Of course other ppl may join also... Most popular ones: kruzkovica (kruzka - course/class), chodbovica (chodba = floor - everybody is invited, who lives on the same floor), Mikulasovica (Liptovsky Mikulas is a city in Bratislava, the party is fro all ppl who come from that city).

So what is sietovica - all the students who know eachother from the intranet at the dormitories meet for a huge party :) On the biggest party there were around 30-40 ppl max and around 15.000 Skk was paid at the end (25Skk - 0.5l beer, 40-50Skk - 0.5dl spirits at least 40%).

I don't want to talk much about the event, a lot of party ppl, having fun, and finished in the morning around 3-4 o'clock on my room a bit sober as I usually say and dead tired. :)

National Carrier Days 2007

I was last friday on the national carrier days. Was quite an action! Haven't had so much fun since the last one two years ago, when I was going around with Luky and Chudou. That time all tree of us had a bit different preferences though somehow related :) That time I've got the most pens and cups :) And it was quite a fun to go around.

I like to go on the NCD mostly because I know the OC and so I always find 10-15 to greet and talk to... and I always sweer at least to 3 of them that I will come for sure :)

In the last years I usually presented also AIESEC for the ppl coming, but not this year. I came quite late (1 1/2 hours before the end). But I think I made the best of the few mins that were available. I was making one round around, to see which companies are here. Of course because I was already a few times on NCD I knew most of them, though the OC made a great job now, and there where a lot of new companies. I was going around the companies, which could offer me a potential job (web developer: XHTML, CSS, PHP). And found some interesting offers. Some of them I'm sure I can't work at now, but in my eyes they won on value. So I will try to focus on those places (of course just 2-3 companies).

I also was at a consulting company who gave me a paper with some database questions. It was of course a lottery paper for the ppl, who give a solution can win a new mobile phone. I was quite nervous as it came suddenly and then met some friends so I couldn't give the paper back. Of course afterwards my couriosity led me to fill out the paper when I got down. Wasn't that hard, I was just suprised, as in school we solve different type of questions.

Then I met a schoolmate from high school, whom I haven't seen for ages. I was quite lucky, that she came with a car, so she took me home (right before my house) as we live in the same city. It was fine to speek with her a few hours. This way I send her my greetings and wish good luck for her tasks. :)

I won't bore you further on, as I use this blog for a diary and not to write some funny stories...

Take care :)

Monday, March 5, 2007


Hey ppl!

-> as most of my friends speak Slovak, but my nationality is Hungarian I'll write English :) Logical, isn't it :) <-

I would think the best would be to introduce myself first: my name is Peter, living in Central-Europe in a post communistic country (althrough when I started school we didn't learn russian anymore though I'm thiking of taking some lessons, at least I will learn their alphabet:)). Having a quite normal life, am maybe one of the laziest ppl alive. i think I have spend the half of my life before the TV and the PC (now quite addicted to The Elder Scroll III: Morrowind - after 2 months I'm master of the thieves/mages/fighters guilds, the camonna tong, the temple and the imperial Legion. The Imperial cult and the Telvanni are still missing, though I'm already the Nerevarine - poor ppl who don't understand a word of this :))) ... or maybe happy?)
Learning about information science, trying to focus on web development + database structures.
Need now a part-time job, so I'm not dependent on my parents (except of course the laundry :)), and have my personal freedom - I can go whereever I want. I would like to go abroad someday (in 2 years) to work and study the culture there. I always loved to understand different means of thinking - I have learned about modern whichcraft - see wicca and I've learned the old german alphabet, just cause...

I'm quite addicted /or was, I don't know/ with AIESEC... So there is now this research about MCPs :) Quite nice to say the least. At least no there is a written document about how qualified the big leaders in this organisation are :)
Research was lead by David J. Pollay.

Back to some normal stuff...
I have in my whole last 5 years the same problem, I know that I want to make something, I just can't come with the think it should be. I want to program something, but am mostly depressed by the idea, that I don't have a clue what I want to make... Frustrating I can tell... Will write if something has started.

So this is my first blog... hopefully I will kick myself hard enough to update it regularly (once a week or so).

Peti - Saso jeden :)