Friday, June 1, 2007

Movie review - The Fountain

In the last year, mostly because of the influence of Dino I started to watch movies which are not always easy to understand (if possible), or have a something special in them. Anyway a friend told me to watch the movie The Fountain,

After the first half an hour I was moved by the surroundings. Every small detail, every imagined place was so real, as in a dream - you know it's not true, but you believe it could be :) . Time to time I lost a few sentences while I was starring at the sight. But of course a good take is not enough, if you don't have the right sound. The story tells about a man and a woman. The man trying everything to save the woman who is dying, even if it would cost his life. A classic story, so it seems, but the jumps in space and time amaze me and make it interesting... The epic fight should continue. And while the woman assures the man, about the right choices, which is to wait and accept. This comes into conflict with the nature of people and so he fights, till he finally understands what his mission is.

As always in such films I was deeply touched at the end. If I could cry, I would split one or two pearls of water. I would like to be so sure also, when it comes to the decisions, that I can't influence. And hopefully I will walk in the first snow. :)

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