Wednesday, June 25, 2008

An amazing weekend

This weekend I was celebrating my birthday, which was a few weeks back. The feelings afterward are a bit awkward. Like in all "best" parties I don't remember much of it :P

With my mothers help I have organized a small cottage inside the bath's in my hometown. The weather was perfect, the people in a good mood, their first experiences made them have a good mood, which lasted during those two days.

I missed most of the fun, while I organized the people, food, accommodation, payment... you can imagine. And in the evening, when the party started I pretty soon lost all the memories. I still remember giving everyone a sip of my birthday present - Danish alcohol (will find it's name) in the small happy birthday cup, which can contain around 1cl of fluids. Perfect way to share with everybody! So I did that, and though Anders told me it was a quite expensive bottle, I prefer using it that way. I'm sometimes the guy who waits for those "special moments", but the longer I live the more often it happened that the special moments just didn't seem to arrive. So I decided that to show the friends I care for my gratitude by giving a piece of the alcohol to them... Most probably it looked like a drunk guy wanting to make everyone else to drink and get wasted, but for me the thought was what counted.

With a lot of old and new friends around me, who one by one thank me for a great weekend I'm a bit sad that I don't remember much, but still think of joy, happiness and a lot of fun, when I remember that day.

PS: will need to get the receipt for the cherry soup :) I have a few photos, they will be added later on

PS2: The few photos were added, they capture very little of the whole atmosphere. Will need to learn to make pictures with a camera!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We're impatiently waiting for the pics ... :)