Monday, December 17, 2007

Following the trend - Names

I just read an article, that a lot of people from the USA are googling (googling - should be already acknowledged as a word... at least on the google domain, where also this site belongs to) out their own name and information about their friends. So I though I will do the same and googled a bit:

1.) - according to this site, he was a famous accordion player. Died just in 2006. He was fleeing from Hungary Revolution in 1956 (which was then supressed by the soviets. I used to hear in my hometown, that if at that time the western countries would have answered Hungary's call for freedom, it could have been successful. But that is not the way things used to work in our society, not then and neither after that).

"October 23, 1956, is a day that will live forever in the annals of free men and nations. It was a day of courage, conscience and triumph. No other day since history began has shown more clearly the eternal unquenchability of man's desire to be free, whatever the odds against success, whatever the sacrifice required." - John F. Kennedy, on the first anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution.

On the above mentioned site it is also able to hear some of his music, though it was converted from LPs so the quality is not always good.

Through him I got also to another site:

A selection of Hungarian music from the 60's (you can here teh actual songs when you click on the numbers) Studio 11 can be heard also today in the Hungarian Radio Statin Kossuth. Illes reunited a few years ago and had a huge success. Metro is told as one of the legends of its time, many of the musicians from Metro then formed afterwards one of (my oppinion) Hungaries best bands of all times - LGT. And the last one Kóos János - if you say to a Hungarian person - Kislány a zongoránál (small girl at the piano) then everyone will know who you mean. This is a different song from him.

2.) The second person is a now living Hungarian TV show host. Though he has never achieved anything I would consider worth to mention.

hard to understand when it is just so little written down about him + that it is in French... Though seems like a linguistic researcher. another link. According to the English article on the university of Pécs he was working mostly on the field of Finno-Ugric relationships and linguistics. This is also a topic near to me, though I enjoy more the science around the coexistence of different nations, religions and cultures.

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