Thursday, May 24, 2007

Blogging to say I'm alive

I realized today that I haven't written anything in a while, and thats a bad sign for me. I am quite lazy sometimes... where laziness means not doing anything that has a meaning or an effect. So I decided to let my thoughts fly, and we will see what will come out.

The last few times I was on the net I was killing time on youtube. Mainly looking for funny videos. So I found between others a lot of Jim Carrey and Chris Rock videos. The biggest problems were that I had to hear 2-3 parts of CRs show more then once, as I couldn't understand him. Well it is never enough to know understand language. You also have to get used to the person talking :) That is something that reminds me on myself. I also speak a (bit) blurry. To fast, to quiet and on top of that I often don't use my teethes when I form the words... Most probably the effect of to much sitting before the TV in my childhood, and so talking less to people.

I was reading and seeing a lot about different "conspiration theories", like:
- Health industry is working to sell as much drugs as possible (Chris Rock has a very good scene about this topic also) - where the solution to most of the problems could be, that we eat the right things - vitamins and minerals... Sounds fine I will try to out with special meals I will be searching for. As almost any food you can by is "plastic"...
- The second was a 30 year story which was all about manipulations in the arabic worlds and USA... getting in the end to the point, that Al Kaida was just a brainchild of individuals which spread over the politic scene and caused a fear in the world which hopefully ends shortly...
- And a small statement about global warming...
And the biggest problem is, what I should believe off all of this.

Anyway I'm having exams now, so will be off for quite a while. At least a lot of actions will come the next weeks. Bazant na Mlynoch, Junifest :) Yipee!

Off :)

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